Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Beauty that Comes within

Living a life like mines(A Transsexual Life) It can be hard to find and accepted your Beauty. For many of, when we begin our transition from one gender to the other, we begin to look at ourselves in a whole new light. For example, before I transitioned, i would dress up in my sisters,mothers and any girly clothing I could find in the house. I  would play with make up and fix my hair to resemble that of a girl and to be honest those were happy days; being able to be myself, even if its behind closed doors, was an amazing feeling. With that said during those times not one moment did I ever think about surgeries other than S.R.S(Sex reassignment Surgery) or ever questioned that I was a girl or that I looked like a girl. but the moment I truly began my transition all that changed, I didn't feel as pretty as before, I didn't feel like i was truly a girl, i felt so ugly and manly(mainly because of what was presented as what a girl should look like). As well  as what older transsexuals would say on youtube. SO it took many months and years to accepted myself for who I am and what I am. I slow realized that a "real women" is not a women who has big boobs, make face,big lips and curves for the gods, or a vagina in that case. I learned that a "Real women" is someone who represents themselves as a women, loves them self, its not base on home Fem you look, because real women come in all shapes,sizes and forms. We as Trans-women  just happen to be one form of a women. So with that being said, I just want to let ya'll know that you are beautiful and that don't get any unwanted surgery because you feel you need it to fit in or have people like you. If anything get things done because YOU want them and for YOURSELF and not one else. But before deciding on getting anything embrace who you are an love your yourself. :)


Love always,

P.S I hope this helps someone out there and makes sense. if you have any questions feel free to ask :)